Panurgy’s IT Insights

The Advantages of Using a CRM for Lead Generation and Nurturing

There are several ways a business can enhance and optimize its operations. A customer relationship management (CRM) system is one technology that may considerably assist your organization. A CRM system is software ...

Top Benefits of Email Marketing for IT Companies

Email marketing is a highly successful strategy for modern businesses, giving a variety of advantages that may assist in increasing customer interaction, brand exposure, and lead generation. Here are some of ...

Preparing for the End of Windows 10

Businesses around the world have adopted Windows 10, one of Microsoft's most popular operating systems. However, Microsoft will cease selling certain digital downloads of the popular operating system on January 31, 2023. ...

The Benefits of a VPN for Your Business

VPNs, or virtual private networks, have grown in popularity recently as more people recognize the need for internet privacy and security. A VPN is a software that encrypts your internet connection, making ...

Advantages of a Hybrid Cloud

Public and private cloud infrastructures have benefits and drawbacks that can impact small to medium-sized businesses. Some advantages of public cloud infrastructure include lower costs, scalability, and flexibility. However, public clouds also ...

If I’m Going To Get Hacked Anyway, Why Bother Spending Money On Cyber Security?

In his book The Road Less Stupid, Keith Cunningham makes this correct observation about succeeding in business: “I don’t need to do more smart things. I just need to do fewer dumb ...

3 Tech And Automation Strategies Businesses Must Have Now To Stay Competitive, Profitable And Thriving This Year

Covid changed everyone’s lives in dramatic ways on many levels – but small and big businesses alike were radically impacted, from events, restaurants and retail being shut down to sending everyone home ...

Data Breach at GoTo: Encrypted Customer Information Compromised

On January 23, 2023, GoTo released a statement detailing an update to the ongoing data breach investigation. Business owners should pay attention to this incident and its implications for their security practices. ...

PayPal Hack: 35,000 Accounts Compromised in Credential Stuffing Attack

On December 20, 2022, PayPal, one of the most widely used online payment platforms, confirmed that 35,000 users' accounts had been compromised due to a security breach. An unauthorized party viewed and ...

Maximizing Productivity with Managed IT Services

Businesses seeking to improve productivity and minimize disruptions caused by IT issues can benefit from managed IT services. A managed service provider (MSP) can provide businesses with the expertise to maintain and ...

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